Nurturing Local Talent and Community Well-being

At Mermaid Medical, our mission extends beyond providing high-quality healthcare solutions. We believe in the power of community and the importance of supporting local initiatives that promote well-being, growth, and unity.

Nurturing Local Talent and Community Well-being

At Mermaid Medical, our mission extends beyond providing high-quality healthcare solutions. We believe in the power of community and the importance of supporting local initiatives that promote well-being, growth, and unity. One such initiative close to our hearts is our unwavering commitment to nurturing local talent and contributing to the overall well-being of our community through our support for the local handball club, HØJ.

Supporting Local Sports

Our support for HØJ is a testament to our belief in the transformative power of sports. It goes beyond financial sponsorship; it's about fostering an environment where young athletes can thrive, where they can develop essential life skills, and where individuals of all ages can stay active and engaged in sports.

The Significance of Local Sports

Local sports clubs are the heartbeat of our communities. They serve as training grounds for young athletes, offering them a platform to pursue their passion, hone their skills, and learn valuable life lessons. Beyond the physical aspects, sports instill qualities like discipline, teamwork, and resilience—qualities that are not only essential in sports but also in life and the workplace.

Investing in the Future

Our commitment to local sports, particularly in supporting the younger teams, is an investment in the future. We believe that the talent nurtured at the grassroots level can one day represent our community and our country on national and international stages. It's about sowing the seeds for future sports stars and providing them with the support they need to flourish.

Moreover, our support promotes a culture of health and well-being within our community. It encourages people of all ages to lead active lifestyles, fostering physical fitness and overall wellness.

Engaging with the Community

Our involvement with HØJ is not passive; it's an active engagement with our community. We attend games, cheer for the teams, and celebrate victories together. We are also there during defeats, offering encouragement and support. This level of engagement fosters a sense of belonging and unity, reminding us that we are part of a larger community working toward shared goals.


Exciting News: Introducing the Advanced TP Pivot Pro™

21 June 2024

We are excited to introduce the TP Pivot Pro™ for transperineal prostate biopsy procedures to UK healthcare professionals. Developed by the dedicated team at CIVCO Medical Solutions, this device enables a smarter approach to prostate biopsies.

Peaks & Purpose: Gwent IR and Mermaid Medical’s Mountain Mission

06 June 2024

With its spectacular scenery and demanding nature, the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge welcomes many hikers – and June 1st was no exception. Last Saturday, Mermaid Medical and Gwent Interventional Radiology laced up their hiking boots, put on their green caps, and grabbed their walking sticks to set out on a challenging journey together in the name of charity.

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