Curaway™ Breast Localization Wire

Repositionable System

The Curaway™ breast localization wires have been designed with the needs of both breast radiologists and surgeons in mind.

The stainless-steel wires feature a Q- or Y-shaped tip design to secure excellent anchoring in breast tissue ranging from entirely fatty to extremely dense.

Lack of migration and penetration after placement provides optimal guidance for surgeons during breast-conserving surgery and promotes the end goal of an esthetically acceptable result.

The forceful and flexible wires can be repeatedly retracted and repositioned by the radiologist to achieve accurate placement. A skin retention clip, which prevents forward penetration in tissue during transportation of patient, comes in a sterile pouch with a preloaded wire inside the needle.

Ref. no Wire type Wire length Needle size Qty/box
GW-Q20-50 Q 15cm 20G x 5cm 10
GW-Q20-77 Q 17cm 20G x 8cm 10
GW-Q20-107 Q 20cm 20G x 11cm 10
GW-Y20-57 Y 15cm 20G x 6cm 10
GW-Y20-77 Y 17cm 20G x 8cm 10
GW-Y 20-107 Y 20cm 20G x 11cm 10

Curaway™ Q shaped tip design

Curaway™ Y shaped tip design

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